Well, the album is out, drifting to different ears unknown across the land of the internet. Hello from my Chicago studio, where I am chipping away at videos remixes, new ideas, etc each day I can spend here until my eyes gleefully fall out. Then in bed awake each night in and out of sleep, scribbling down a thought (hopefully legible the next day), then back into a dream. All the bits of conversations on the backs of receipts, melodies in voice memos, notebooks of words and sketches saved for the moment where they will have their purpose.

I’ve decided to start a blog for whoever feels drawn what we’re doing. Social media moves too fast for the kinds of thoughts I want to share. This feels like a better space to slow down and connect.. so let this be a safe space for me and for you too, in the comments.

This is also an exercise for me to open up and share a bit about myself, which I sometimes struggle with, because I want the art to be free for interpretation in its own right. So I’ll share more here as long as you promise to still hear the songs in their own voice. I want them to be spaces for people to make their own. To put their own impression upon them, to decorate them with their own experiences. It’s fun to see what people see, like Rorschach ink blots.

Falling in Place is what it is for you, and me, and Cason. For me, this record represents learning to trust intuition into the unknown, trusting in your growth along the process. It’s a process I’m still learning. It's about getting lost in your head, and then taking a step back to see the whole picture. Zooming in, zooming out. It’s about trusting the universe and dissolving your boundaries to invite the creative forces of the unknown, to discover something you didn’t know you were looking for. It’s the center point on a tug o war rope, pulled by equal forces. Wanting to be everywhere at the same time, but feeling paralyzed by so many possibilities. And then realizing that motion itself was an illusion to begin with. It’s the earth turning and circling the sun, while you sleep in stillness.

This music is the result of years obsessing over minuscule sounds, moving through sonic head-spaces like a kind of biofeedback. These songs were the rooms that we lived in, made the bed, day after day, and shaped into the reflection which felt most inevitable. Sometimes the path was not direct, or the song was a massive hedge maze of spiderweb signal chains. Some of the songs were written years apart, or started and then finished years later. And then they fell into place.

Falling in Place is now a public space. A place to reflect, to connect. I hope it finds the people who need it—the way we needed it while making it. If it’s found you, let us know how it feels. Thanks to everyone who has listened with an open mind. Thanks for joining us on this journey and we can’t wait to share more pieces along the way.

Much love, R34L
